Lerp.swift - Linear Interpolation in Swift

Below are some lerp functions that I implemented while working on a side project.

The first function is templated to work with any type that conforms to BinaryFloatingPoint (Float, Double, CGFloat, TimeInterval, etc.). The other three functions operate on Core Graphics structs (CGPoint, CGSize, and CGRect).

Update (2023-01-24): Added inverseLerp function and documentation.

//  Lerp.swift
//  Written by Ramon Torres
//  Placed under public domain.

import CoreGraphics

// swiftlint:disable identifier_name

/// Linearly interpolates between two values.
/// Interpolates between the values `v0` and `v1` by a factor `t`.
/// - Parameters:
///   - v0: The first value.
///   - v1: The second value.
///   - t: The interpolation factor. Between `0` and `1`.
/// - Returns: The interpolated value.
func lerp<V: BinaryFloatingPoint, T: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ v0: V, _ v1: V, _ t: T) -> V {
    return v0 + V(t) * (v1 - v0)

/// Linearly interpolates between two points.
/// Interpolates between the points `p0` and `p1` by a factor `t`.
/// - Parameters:
///   - p0: The first point.
///   - p1: The second point.
///   - t: The interpolation factor. Between `0` and `1`.
/// - Returns: The interpolated point.
func lerp<T: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ p0: CGPoint, _ p1: CGPoint, _ t: T) -> CGPoint {
    return CGPoint(
        x: lerp(p0.x, p1.x, t),
        y: lerp(p0.y, p1.y, t)

/// Linearly interpolates between two sizes.
/// Interpolates between the sizes `s0` and `s1` by a factor `t`.
/// - Parameters:
///   - s0: The first size.
///   - s1: The second size.
///   - t: The interpolation factor. Between `0` and `1`.
/// - Returns: The interpolated size.
func lerp<T: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ s0: CGSize, _ s1: CGSize, _ t: T) -> CGSize {
    return CGSize(
        width: lerp(s0.width, s1.width, t),
        height: lerp(s0.height, s1.height, t)

/// Linearly interpolates between two rectangles.
/// Interpolates between the rectangles `r0` and `r1` by a factor `t`.
/// - Parameters:
///   - r0: The first rectangle.
///   - r1: The second rectangle.
///   - t: The interpolation factor. Between `0` and `1`.
/// - Returns: The interpolated rectangle.
func lerp<T: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ r0: CGRect, _ r1: CGRect, _ t: T) -> CGRect {
    return CGRect(
        origin: lerp(r0.origin, r1.origin, t),
        size: lerp(r0.size, r1.size, t)

/// Inverse linear interpolation.
/// Given a value `v` between `v0` and `v1`, returns the interpolation factor `t`
/// such that `v == lerp(v0, v1, t)`.
/// - Parameters:
///   - v0: The lower bound of the interpolation range.
///   - v1: The upper bound of the interpolation range.
///   - v: The value to interpolate.
/// - Returns: The interpolation factor `t` such that `v == lerp(v0, v1, t)`.
func inverseLerp<V: BinaryFloatingPoint, T: BinaryFloatingPoint>(_ v0: V, _ v1: V, _ v: V) -> T {
    return T((v - v0) / (v1 - v0))

// swiftlint:enable identifier_name

How to use

After adding the above code to your project, you can use the lerp function as follows:

let numberA = 0.0
let numberB = 240.0

let t = 0.5 // 50% of the way between numberA and numberB

let result = lerp(numberA, numberB, t) // -> 120.0